Pride Month in 2022 - Continuously Learning Together

Come as you are, but fully dressed – is a catchy slogan we use, but it encompasses so much more. It is a statement of what our team represents. New and long-term colleagues alike, are accepted the way they are in our teams all over the world. We are as diverse as it can get. We learn from each other and develop together, respecting other people’s cultures, gender identity, worldviews, religions, backgrounds, and personal stories. We celebrate diversity and Pride all year round, making it a main focus to continuously learn from each other and be better as a team and as individuals.

However, we celebrated our LGBTQIA+ community also during Pride Month in 2022. This year, we focused on learning from and with each other and shared many activities around Pride Month on local levels. Every year, our teams from all over the world come together to celebrate the LGBTQIA+ community. Together we learn more about how we can be educated Allies.

Do you know what the letters in LGBTQIA+ stand for?


Learning and continuously improving our ways of communication are of major importance, especially when we are talking about pride and diversity. Language is a strong tool. The way we use words makes a big difference to those who are part of marginalized communities. Language can include and exclude. We can start with small changes such as asking for the preferred gender pronoun to make people around us feel comfortable and included. A small gesture that can mean the world to others. Throughout June, we came up with reminders to show our support. We stand with the community in and outside of our teams; no matter where they are from, or from where they had to leave to be accepted.

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Majorel Germany has been named the best employer in the service industry in terms of diversity. This is the result of an independent study on diversity in the workplace by the renowned German magazine Stern and the independent market research and public opinion institute Statista. 45.000 employees of the 2,600 largest employers in Germany from 24 industries were invited to rate their company as part of the study. They were asked about several dimensions of diversity. In addition to gender and ethnicity, the survey also looked at how the companies address age, physical disabilities and sexual orientation.

The result: Majorel Germany ranked first in the “Services” category and even made it into the cross-sector top 50 of all companies and ranked 33rd overall. What makes this particularly exciting? This great feedback comes directly from our teams. You can find the article here.

As some offices such as our Berlin office as well as the one in Senftenberg and Cottbus, have been decorated with pride flags again, one of the many highlights when we celebrate Pride every year, is how seen many of our team members feel. Many express how happy they are to see rainbow flags in the office and are grateful for Pride Month being celebrated in their teams. In Berlin, Pride flags were handed out for the second year in a row to decorate the workplace all year round and many Pride related activities such as button making, challenges and more were organized.

Here is what our teams did for Pride Month in 2022 around the world.

Pride in the NAISAUKI Region - “Let's talk SOGIE”

Majorel Philippines, Canada, Ireland, Malaysia, Mexico, Philippines, United States, India, and Kenya hosted an educative session on SOGIE (Sexual Orientation, Gender identity and Expression). External as well as internal experts, such as Dallas FitzPatrick, Global Diversity and Inclusion Manager at Majorel, were invited and talked about the importance of respecting gender identities, someone´s chosen names, among many other things. The session was a highly valuable teaching moment and of major importance. Topics such as transitioning, unconscious bias, and the acceptance of personal boundaries were touched upon as well as what nonbinary means. Additionally, the topic of what a company can do to create a safe space was also  discussed. The importance of leaders being  trained on such issues was one of the key points mentioned. “Treat others the way they would like to be treated” was just one of the many memorable notions expressed.

They also organized the #Unapologeticallyyou fashion show, a photo contest open to the pride community and its allies, and different challenges for the whole team to take part in.

Learning as a Community

Together with the local Feel-Good Communities, our teams in Majorel Colombia, Italy, Peru, Portugal and Spain had a remarkable program cut out for their team members. They focused on the timeline of the main milestones concerning LGBTQIA+ rights all over the globe. Did you know, for example, that the Netherlands were the first country to legalize Same-Sex marriage in 2000? In the following weeks they explained the meaning of the various LGBTQIA+ flags and came up with a glossary of the terms to learn more about. In 1978, for instance, the rainbow flag as we know it today, was hand stitched by the artist and activist Gilbert Baker and some volunteers, did you know? Additionally, an agenda was created with Pride Month-related activities in every office in the region.

In many of our teams this June has been a great month dedicated to learning as a community. Let’s learn together, listen to those that still face discrimination and stand up for equality and against discrimination every day of the year.

Do you want to learn more about LGBTQIA+ rights globally? Read on here.

Learn more about the history of Pride here and about the Pride flags and their meaning here.

You can also find our Code of Conduct here.

For more stories about our team and company culture, click here.

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